New Lead-Based Paint Laws

At PhillyLiving, our desire is to keep our renters, owners, and investors in-the-know on all real estate related news.
“Our goal at Philly Living Management Group is to ensure that we are up-to-date and in compliance with all city laws and ordinances. We are striving to inform our landlords of any new expenses or licensing requirements that are enacted and that could potentially affect their investment,” says Matt Bremner, President of PhillyLiving Management Group.
One such ordinance is the new lead-based paint law that is now in effect and will impact every landlord across the city.
As of October 2020, all rental properties built pre-1978 will require a lead-based paint inspection by a certified lead inspector. Without this new inspection, landlords will not be able to get a rental license and certificate of rental suitability, which is required in Philadelphia to be able to evict tenants or collect rental assistance from the city. This new inspection will cost landlords between $150 to $400 per home. Lead-free property certificates will be valid forever, while lead-safe certificates will need to be resubmitted every four years if submitted after February 1, 2020.
According to the City of Philadelphia’s website, “Exposure to even small amounts of lead in childhood can cause lifelong learning and behavior problems. The purpose of the law is to prevent children from becoming lead poisoned, and to ensure they live in lead-free or lead-safe housing by requiring landlords to certify a property rented to families is lead safe or lead free. Despite years of progress, each year significant numbers of children in Philadelphia suffer the irreparable harm of lead poisoning because of exposure to deteriorated lead paint and lead dust in their homes. More than half of these children are living with their families in rental units.”
The health ordinance of the City of Philadelphia is being rolled out by zip code between October 2020 and April of 2022. This means that every rental unit will have to comply with the ordinance by April of 2022. For more information on the new lead-based paint laws, visit Bill No. 180936-A on the site and be sure to check out the great FAQ available for landlords which outlines the roll-out plan by zip code.