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Josh Araujo


Josh Araujo, recent Temple University graduate, joined the PhillyLiving team in January 2022. As a Philadelphia native, Josh is devoted to facilitating an easy and seamless transition into a living space that is best fit for his clients, utilizing his vast knowledge of the city. He aims to forge lasting relationships and to fulfill the needs of those he is helping by remaining attentive and detail oriented.

After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Spanish Literature and Linguistics, Josh spends his time helping serve the latinx population that is ever-rising in the Philadelphia region. His ability to speak both Spanish and English is used as a means to deepen his connectedness to the Philadelphia community and those who encompass it.

In his free time, you can find Josh cooking delicious meals, sharing his love of food with those he loves. His culinary interests transcend the kitchen, and the self proclaimed “foodie” frequents Philly’s iconic restaurant scene, trying all the new bites the city has to offer.

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